Do your products contain nuts?

Some of our recipes contain nuts whilst others don't, however, since we do use nuts in the lab, we advise that our nut-free blends 'may contain traces of nuts'. Of course, we follow high standards to prevent the risk of cross contamination but legally, we are obliged to give 'may contain traces' advice.

Are your products gluten-free?

The majority of our products are not gluten-free, however things might change in the future. stay tuned :) 

Does your granola contain refined sugar?

No, all of our granolas are free from refined sugar; we use 100% pure raw honey. 

  • Our honey doesn’t contain any syrups or other additives, that means that it is 100% pure;
  • Our honey is kept out of thermal conditioning, which means that all vitamins, enzymes and minerals are all saved;
  • Our honey doesn`t contain any antibiotics, pesticides, veterinary drugs, etc.
  • Our honey entirely comes from Europe and isn`t mixed with Chinese honey;

Are your granolas organic?

We use a great range of ingredients and therefore choose not to certify our granolas as organic. This means that we have the freedom to select our grains, nuts, seeds and often rare fruits for environmentally responsible growing as well as flavour, provenance and nutrition which is very important to us.

How long will your granola last?

If your granola is sealed or stored in an airtight container at room temperature, it will last for 12 - 16 weeks. We also recommend not to stretch the shelf life by freezing your granola as some might recommend. Consume fresh for best flavor

What’s the best way of storing it?

The best way of keeping our granola fresh is by storing it in an air-tight container. Our bags should also be stored away from light, heat and humidity for keeping maximum quality. 

Do you make anything else other than granola?

We are pleased to provide you with the best granola as we can and we are looking forward to develop a new range of product. If you would like to make a suggestion we'd love to hear from, so don't hesitate and reach out



Where can we find your lab?

We are currently an online only business at the moment.

When are you open?

Our online store is always open, 24/7, 365 days a year. If you encounter any issues with you experience on our platform please send us a description via mail and we will do our best to fix it.


Do you ship overseas?

Our products are currently offered in Sweden only. Any further updates will be displayed in the future. 

Do you live outside of Sweden and are interested in our products ? Reach out via instagram or mail and vote for your country to be the next one where we expand. 

Can I order online?

Yes, we are happy to have the complete selection of our products available at our online shop which are shipped directly from the lab and shipped to you as soon as possible. 

I want to buy this as a gift for a friend, what’s the best way of doing that?

Simply add a gift message when selecting your product on the online shop and check the Gift box. Alternatively you have the possibility to order a gift card as well.

‘Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.’

Gustave Flaubert