


Home delivery
All products in your order need to be in stock when placing the order (see delivery status on product). You will receive a notification via SMS and / or e-mail the day before the first possible delivery time with a link to a page where you decide the time for home delivery. Delivery takes place between 9:00–22:00. Longer delivery times apply to some some destinations, see

Items in stock
If the item is in stock we normally send out your order within 2-3 workdays. The delivery time from us to you is usually 2-4 workdays. For large orders or due to delayed delivery from suppliers, the delivery time may vary. In such cases, you will be notified about this as soon as we have processed your order. Should there be special reasons for goods not delivered in time, it is important that the customer notifies us regarding this matter.

Items out of stock/ Pre-orders
Delivery time for items out of stock, Pre-orders or customized orders are approximate and delivery times are estimated and displayed on the concerned product page. We will get back to you if the delivery time for any reason would be longer than estimated.

Shipping options
All shipments from Granolab are sent to a service point or delivered to your address and can only be collected with shipping number, this is sent to you by SMS or e-mail. You can request that your delivery will be dropped off without endorsement. In this case your goods will be left at your address with a blank endorsement, the customer is responsible for the package or any damage. Contact us if you want this shipping option.

Faster shipping may be available for your address, please reach out if you require such an option

Unsuccessful delivery attempts
In cases where your package is/was returned to us from the shipping company because the client / receiver has not collected the package from the delivery point; has not been reachable on supplied information (phone); Refused the package upon delivery; or stated false name, address or contact details, a fee will be charged to the client.
Any agreement made with the shipping company by the receiver on the day and time of delivery, delays and costs associated with a new delivery attempt are out of Granolab responsibility.

‘One eye sees, the other feels.’

Paul Klee